
{Web Infra Dev} We are from ByteDance, our goal is to build an open technical ecosystem to promote the development of frontend technology.

{Rspack} A fast Rust-based web bundler

{Rsbuild} The Rspack Powered Build Tool

{Rspress} Lightning Fast Static Site Generator

{Rsdoctor} Analyzer for Rspack & Webpack

{Modernjs} Inspire Creativity in Modern Web Development

{Garfish} Garfish 微前端框架

Web Infra Dev We are from ByteDance, our goal is to build an open technical ecosystem to promote the development of frontend technology.

Rspack A fast Rust-based web bundler

Rsbuild The Rspack Powered Build Tool

Rspress Lightning Fast Static Site Generator

Rsdoctor Analyzer for Rspack & Webpack

Modernjs Inspire Creativity in Modern Web Development

Garfish Garfish 微前端框架


npm i rspress-plugin-mention-github -D


  • Import css
@import url('rspress-plugin-mention-github/style.css');
  • Add plugin to rspress.config.ts
import * as path from 'path';
import { defineConfig } from 'rspress/config';

import rspressPlugMentionGithub from 'rspress-plugin-mention-github';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [

Write markdown

  • Mention github user
  • or pass option link map
{Web Infra Dev}
import * as path from 'path';
import { defineConfig } from 'rspress/config';

import rspressPlugMentionGithub from 'rspress-plugin-mention-github';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      'Web Infra Dev': '',
      'Rspack': {
        link: '',
        imageUrl: ''